Belgian show jumpers experienced an exceptional moment in La Baule. For this first leg of the Super League where the teams of the eight best countries were represented, Belgium really accomplished something special in winning an exciting victory. Philippe Guerdat, our chef d’equipe, chose the following riders: Philippe LeJeune with Vigo d’Arsouilles, Dirk Deersman with Bufero, Niels Bruynseels with Conisha, Gregory Wathelet with Cadjanine, and Francois Mathy Jr. who served as the reserve rider.
After the first round, Belgium and Holland had already made their mark by finishing without penalty but out team needed to remain vigilant as the other teams could play late catch up.
In the second round, the order of go was as follows: Phillipe LeJeune (0 faults), Dirk Deersman (4 faults), Niels Bruynseels (8 faults)… so Gregory had terrible pressure on him as he stepped onto the field as he knew that he had to absolutely jump a clear round to rival Holland who finished the second round with 4 faults overall. Gregory made us shake with joy as he left the course without touching a rail, giving his team the right to advance to the jump off.
The jump off was between Belgium with Gregory Wathelet and Cadjanine (with thanks to Mr. Guerdat) and Albert Voorn for Holland. The first to tackle the jump off was the Dutch man who finished with 4 faults in a time of 44.16 seconds. Gregory once again showed us a ride with extraordinary speed and finished, for his part, with four faults as well but in a time of 41.71 seconds.
From a reliable source, this victory made more than one happy and the celebrations took place, as they should! Congratulations to our fantastic team of riders and a special hats off to Gregory and the fabulous mare Cadjanine.