Our national team comprised of Philippe Lejeune and his loyal Vigo D'Arsouille, Jos Lansink an Valentina, Gregory Wathelet and Copin, and Dirk Demeersman and Bufero, placed 3rd in the Dublin Nation's Cup. Philippe started with a clear round while Jos and Gregory were a little less lucky with four faults each. Unfortunately, with very bad luck, Dirk had to retire. Even so, Belgium finished in second position at the end of the first round. In the second round, Belgium needed to improve and, especially, perform better than the Americans who, coming into this event, were tied with Belgium overall, risking a drop down to the promotional league. Philippe returned to continue without faults and so did Jos. Gregory earned four faults at the same obstacle that also kept him from going clear in the first round. Dirk finished on eight faults. What our chef d'equipe asked of the team, the team managed to deliver! Belgium finished in third place overall, ahead of the Americans.
Overall results :
1. England 8/0
2. Ireland 8/4
3. Belgium 12
3. France 12
5. Usa 16
6. Germany 24
7. Holland 25
8. Denmark 40